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Housing and Residence Life Code of Conduct Policies

Because we deeply value each and every member of our diverse community as a child of God made in his image, Pepperdine sets exceptionally high standards for students living on campus. These standards are designed to promote respect and honor for all students in their social, cultural, and intellectual pursuits. Conduct that violates the rights of others or is contrary to the University's mission may be grounds for immediate termination of occupancy in University housing and/or the withdrawal of future University housing privileges.

Residents who live in University owned or controlled housing are subject to the Student Code of Conduct and its related policies (e.g., alcohol and other drugs), including the following Housing and Residence Life policies. These policies are subject to disciplinary action through the Office of Community Standards following the "Disciplinary Procedures" section of the Student Code of Conduct.

It is the responsibility of the resident to be familiar with all Housing and Residence Life policies, which pertain to all areas, including graduate housing. By submitting a housing contract each student accepts responsibility for knowing and adhering to the regulations of the University. Violation of these policies or failure to comply with the housing contract may result in disciplinary action and can result in the loss of housing privileges. Any resident dismissed from housing will be responsible for the housing charges for the remainder of the contractual period.

Failure to satisfy the financial obligations accrued under the housing contract may result in the following: denial of issuance of transcripts; denial of enrollment; or removal or suspension from on campus housing, all of which would be pursuant to University rules and regulations governing the imposition of these sanctions.

Accessing Unauthorized Spaces

Basic Human Respect

Commercial Use


Entry System

Fire Alarm Evacuation

Fire Equipment

Fire Hazards




Resident Responsibility







I. Accessing Unauthorized Spaces

Residents are not allowed to access unauthorized University premises, including but not limited to, building rooftops and storage or maintenance facilities. Vehicles are not allowed onto Res Road without prior approval from Housing and Residence Life or the Department of Public Safety.


II. Basic Human Respect

Housing and Residence Life strives to fulfill the mission of ÂÒÂ×ÊÓƵ by providing an atmosphere conducive to academic, social, and spiritual growth within our diverse community. One method utilized to fulfill that mission is the Basic Human Respect program (BHR) which is facilitated by the Resident Advisors within the first two weeks of the semester. This program provides a resource for residents to express feelings, mediate conflict, communicate better, and create a more tranquil living environment. The program creates a foundation for good communication between residents before a problem begins. It is expected that all residents participate in the BHR program and fill out a roommate covenant while living on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, participating in all designated BHR and Community Life Orientation Meetings (CLOMs) throughout each semester.


III. Commercial Use

The use of residential facilities for any commercial purpose, commercial solicitation, or commercial promotion, is strictly forbidden except by written authorization by Housing and Residence Life. Students may not operate, advertise, or promote a private business from his or her room or any space within the residential areas.


IV. ¶Ù鳦´Ç°ù

Displaying pornography, alcohol containers, or drug-related paraphernalia in University housing, including the posting of signs or promotional material involving pornography, alcohol, or drugs/drug-related paraphernalia, is prohibited.


V. Entry System

Propped door alarms are installed at the ground floor entrances of each residence hall. Residents tampering with the door latching mechanism, or vandalizing the entry system, doors and/or propped door alarms may be subject to a minimum $100 fine per incident and disciplinary action.


VI. Fire Alarm Evacuation

Students must evacuate immediately when a fire alarm sounds or a University official gives a directive. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action including but not limited to: University Probation, a fine, and/or educational sanctions such as research on university fires, interviewing firefighters, and field trips to fire sites.


VII. Fire Equipment

The fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems were installed for the protection of the residents and their property. County fire regulations make it illegal to tamper with fire equipment. Tampering with this equipment including, but not limited to: fire alarms, propped door alarms, fire extinguishers, hoses, fire sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, mechanical bells, and fuse boxes may result in a $500 fine, immediate dismissal from the residential community, and possible criminal prosecution. Residents are not permitted to hang any items from smoke detectors or mechanical bells. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action. Residents are not permitted to hang any items (including clothes hangers) from ceiling fire sprinklers in any residential facility. Hanging items from sprinklers could result in flooding. The resident will be held financially responsible for any water damage caused by activation of the sprinklers.


VIII. Fire Hazards

With the exception of approved appliances, the University prohibits burning open flames or incense in any living area at any time. Any acts of negligence or intent that place the community at risk of fire are prohibited. Additionally, fire hazards such as fireworks, lava lamps, halogen lamps, appliances with exposed heating elements, unapproved space heaters, and personal BBQs or other items considered unsafe in a residential environment are strictly prohibited in or around any living area. BBQs in the community area are available for student use. Residents are not to use any part of the oven or broiler for storage purposes. The possession or use of candles (with or without wicks, burned or unburned) will result in disciplinary action including confiscation and/or other sanctions.

The use of string lights (Christmas lights) is only permitted between the Thanksgiving holiday and before students leave for winter break. Christmas lights may be displayed on a fireproof figurine (e.g., artificial Christmas tree); however lights cannot be attached to the interior of any student housing facility i.e. walls, ceilings, furniture, appliances, windows, doors or stairwell railings. Christmas lights may be displayed on the exterior of the building, but cannot be hung on any roof area or attached to any structure by the use of nails or staples. Natural cut Christmas trees may be displayed outside as long as they are at least 10 feet from any structure. All Christmas decorations, including string lights and Christmas trees must be removed from the community before winter break. Please direct any questions to the HRL Office or the Resident Director.

Light fixtures in the residential community should never be obstructed or covered by any material. Residents may not cover their walls with material that will create a fire hazard, such as cardboard or cloth. Decorations or posters may cover up to 10% of each wall. Covering public area couches and chairs with fabric and throws is prohibited.

Powered appliances, surge protectors and extension cords should not be used in violation of manufacturers' specifications (e.g., using multiple extension cords with multiple plugs in one outlet, plugging a surge protector into another surge protector). Fire hazards found in the residential community will be immediately confiscated; in most cases, items that have been confiscated will not be returned.


IX. Guests

Rooms are to be occupied only by the residents who are assigned to that room. Guests must be registered by the hosting resident through the RA and abide by all University regulations. As a matter of respect, residents must receive permission from their room/apartment mates before making an invitation; guests (including International Program participants) may not occupy or use residential facilities for more than two consecutive nights, and no more than six nights per semester. No more than one overnight guest is allowed at a time, and the resident host must accompany overnight guests at all times. Out of consideration for others, overnight guests are prohibited during the last two weeks of the semester. The University reserves the right to refuse permission to house overnight guests. Guests are expected to abide by Federal, State and local laws. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests and for ensuring that guests abide by University rules and regulations.


X. Noise

An atmosphere conducive to normal living and academic achievement is to be maintained at all times. In order to facilitate this goal, loud televisions, stereos, and excessively noisy activities are prohibited at all times. Audio-visual equipment must be played with discretion at all hours in order to not disturb others. Playing of speakers out of the window is not permitted. Residents may be required to remove audiovisual equipment from their rooms. Designated quiet hours that are maintained during all academic periods are 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. These hours are extended to 24 hours per day during final exam periods. Residents are fined for a single disruptive noise incident or for repeated disregard for the quiet hours policy. Repeat offenders will be fined a minimum of $25 for each occurrence and face disciplinary sanctions up to and including the loss of housing privileges.


XI. Pets

Students and guests are not permitted to have pets in the residence halls or apartments. Emotional support animals may be allowed in on-campus student residences when registered with and approved by the Office of Student Accessibility. Service animals should be registered with the Office of Student Accessibility. See the for additional information about pets, emotional support animals, and service animals.


XII. Resident Responsibility

All residents are jointly responsible for the protection of the living area, its furnishings, and its equipment. When the University cannot identify the person(s) responsible for damages, residents will share in the payment for those damages, including charges for labor and materials. Charges for damages will be assessed as they occur throughout the semester and will appear on the student's financial account (minimum $5 charge). Disciplinary action will be taken when appropriate.


XIII. Search 

The University reserves the right to search a student's room and/or possessions if: (1) there is reasonable suspicion of a violation of a law or University rule or regulation; or (2) there is reasonable suspicion that such a search is necessary to protect and preserve the health and safety of persons or property. Any materials found may be used in a disciplinary hearing, a court of law, or both. Upon determination of a reasonable need, the search may be conducted by HRL staff (including the RA), Department of Public Safety, or other authorized University official. In most cases items that have been confiscated will not be returned to the resident. Additionally, under certain circumstances, vehicles on campus may be accessed and the contents inventoried. These circumstances include but are not limited to: vehicle impound or relocation; retrieval of University property; vehicles containing a lost, stolen, fraudulent, or altered permit; using another person's permit; or vehicle is involved in suspicious or criminal activity.


XIV. Solicitation

To ensure the safety and privacy of all residents, solicitors, including Pepperdine student solicitors, are not permitted to post flyers, to canvass, or market any product in the residential area without prior approval from HRL. Resident Advisors will post only those advertisements approved by HRL. Residents are encouraged to contact the RA, HRL, or DPS if a solicitor is in the community.


XV. Visitation

The visitation of members of the opposite sex within the residential community is restricted to specific hours in designated areas. The policies are strictly enforced and violations will be subject to disciplinary action. The purposes of the visitation hours are to ensure the security and privacy of all students and to maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic achievement.

Visitation in residence halls (including bedrooms, suites, laundry rooms, hallways, stairways) is allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 a.m. Visitation is allowed in the main lobbies of the freshmen suite-style halls between the hours of 7 a.m. and 2 a.m., and public restrooms may be used during this time.

All apartment buildings have 24 hour lobbies and hallways, but visitation inside the apartments is only allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 a.m. During final exam periods, the visitation hours in all lobbies are extended to 24 hours. Residential visiting hours are in effect seven days per week. There are no circumstances which merit exception.

When there are members of the opposite sex present after visitation hours, it is considered a violation for all individuals present, whether or not the guest was invited or hosted by one student.

Out of respect for fellow students, residents or guests are not permitted at any time to use the shower facilities in the bathrooms assigned to residents of the opposite sex (e.g., a male resident may not use the shower in the bathroom of a female resident). Students or guests are not allowed to sleep overnight in the 24-hour common areas.

Last Updated: July 26, 2021
Policy Contact: Community Standards and